welcome! script text.

HanJan Crochet Patterns

Join me for fun, simple and stylish crochet patterns!


Categories script text.
Collage of crochet ebook pages showcasing patterns, tutorials, and color inspirations. Includes benefits like video tutorials and customization info.

Love a granny stitch? Me too!

A collage of individuals showcasing various colorful crochet outfits, including sweaters, cardigans, and a dress. One child and several adults are depicted wearing these handmade garments.

The Ultimate Franny Granny Collection –

11 glorious granny stitch garments in child and adult sizes!

hey there! script text.

Hey, I’m Hannah!

The designer, writer, photographer and tea maker behind HanJan Crochet.

Creating has always been a part of my life and over the past few years HanJan Crochet has grown beyond my wildest dreams – I’m so happy to welcome you here to join in!

I love to design modern and enjoyable crochet patterns that bend the rules of stitches, construction and anything else I can get away with!

Hannah, author of HanJan Crochet.

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Crochet script text.


Time To Bloom crochet blanket on fence.

Fancy taking an online crochet course with me?

I have plenty of fun, engaging and unique crochet courses to choose from!

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